About project

Project general objective

To restore the place of Food Science Education and related subjects in the culture of the young people, in order of their personal development and wellbeing.

Project specific objectives

  • To reinforce the importance of Nutrition and Food Safety Education both inside the school and after-school activities.
  • To train the teachers to better expand the educational step by deploying an integrate teaching of Food Science, based on the traditional and web-based materials, respectively by development of diagnosis and feedback methods in order to reach the national benchmarks and standards.
  • To improve the mastery of the basic life sciences starting from kindergarten, promoting innovative methods as experience-based learning methods, problem-based learning methods etc.
  • To maintain the curiosity and to develop the appetite for life sciences among the young people, providing interactive exercises and living demonstrations adapted both for children in kindergarten and for older children.
  • To promote lifelong healthy behaviors among the students, by achievement of non-formal competencies as open-mind, stress-control, self-knowledge and building a positive self-image, communication and interpersonal relationship.
  • To encourage the vocation for the scientific and technical careers in high school maintaining the students' enthusiasm and fostering their creativity with a view to minimize the disparity between formal education and on-the-job training.
  • To encourage the development of the group projects in the field of Food Science.
  • To develop basic and transversal skills.
  • To develop educational resources in the field of the life sciences using ICT-based solutions.

Focus group

  • Teachers and students in pre-primary, primary and secondary level of education
  • Higher education students involved, in close collaboration with secondary school students, in practical activities
  • Stakeholders from food industry, from institutions involved in the quality control of food products, adults (e.g. students' parents) etc.

Expected impact

  • integration of the best practices within the educational process in the area of Food Science and related subjects and also within the school as a whole, based on the Analysis of Needs
  • reinforcing the young people motivation, in order to decrease the number of the low-performers in science
  • enhancing the formal and informal competencies of pupils in Food Science Education, developing their personality and understanding the role of science in their personal lives and in society
  • increasing the opportunities for the professional development of the students, in the sense of choosing a career in the field of Food Science
  • acquiring knowledge and experience by participants and stakeholders (both from professional, social and cultural point of view), changes in individuals and organisations
  • improvement of the cultural awareness and better language skills
  • implementation of transgenerational learning: older people will teach youngsters traditional healthy eating and coking while youngsters will give digital voice - through digital storytelling - in the older people health-eating and cooking knowledge
  • beneficial fingerprinting on the wellbeing of the European people, respectively on the increasing of the life expectancy across Europe, as consequence of the real selection of the foods that fit into a healthy diet and of the better understanding of the correlation between nutrition and diet-related chronic diseases

Project activities

  • O1. Critical analysis of the educational curricula related to nutrition, health and food safety
    • O1-A1 Analyzing the existed curricula at pre-primary, primary and secondary level, in each partner country
    • O1-A2 Designing the Portfolios that contain suitable training methodology and related scientific content
  • O2. Designing of the training modules / training process
    • O2-A1 Designing the training materials (course / practical applications)
    • O2-A2 Designing the integrated virtual laboratories
    • O2-A3 Designing the video-tutorial for using the training materials
  • O3. Undertaking the training process and classroom implementation
    • O3-A1 Training Process - face-to-face sessions
    • O3-A2 Training Process - web-based Training Process
    • O3-A3 Feed-back and collaboration - in-site (forum)
    • O3-A4 Designing and publishing of the Portfolios for classroom implementation
  • O4. Designing and implementing of the Good Practices Guidelines
    • O4-A1 Designing the Good Practice Guidelines for School Education
    • O4-A2 Designing the Nutrition Guidelines for Children and Food Safety Guidelines for Children
    • O4-A3 Manufacturing innovative food products and promoting of the national related food traditions
  • O5. Impact Analysis
    • O5-A1 Designing the Evaluation Tools for the Training and Implementation Process and collecting / interpreting related data
    • O5-A2 Common designing and participation with stakeholders in activities related to Special Event Days
  • O6. Designing and implementing of the activities related to dissemination
    • O6-A1 Designing and updating the Project's webpage and social media environment
    • O6-A2 Preparing conference papers and scientific articles

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.

This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.